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Protection of Personal Data


1 - Introduction

As ADONİS NETWORK YAZILIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. ("Company"); the confidentiality and security of your personal data are among our top priorities. Our Company processes your personal data in accordance with the regulations of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 ("In Turkish KVKK") and secondary legislation. Your personal data means any information that determines or makes your identity identifiable.

In order to benefit from the services offered in our Company's mobile applications and/or websites (collectively, the "Platform") (collectively, the "Platform Services"), we would like to inform you about your personal data processed if you accept the Membership Agreement and become a "Platform Member".

2 - Which personal data do we process?

If you become a Platform Member, the following personal data is processed.

    1-Your User Account Information: your name, surname, customer number, membership e-mail address and, if you add it to your user information, your phone number, gender, date of birth, height and weight information, your Turkish Republic Identity Number (processed in accordance with the relevant legislation only if you purchase certain product groups),

    2-Your Customer Transaction Information:your order and invoice information, your transaction history information regarding your purchases, your request and complaint information, your Platform usage information, the information you personally share in your comments and questions if you comment and/or ask questions regarding the products on the Platform, your score and evaluation information, information regarding the content of the conversations made through the chat channel, your cancellation/return information.

    3-Your Delivery Information: the phone number and delivery address information you added for the delivery of the product you ordered, your delivery transaction information,
    4-Your Payment Information: information regarding the payments and payment methods made by you, your registered card information,
    5-Your Transaction Security Information: your device information, IP address information, password and passcode information, cookie information, platform access records, your login method (via Google/Facebook),
    6-Your Legal Transaction Information: information in correspondence with authorized persons, institutions and organizations, information in lawsuit and enforcement files, information regarding legal information requests,
    7-Your Auditory Recording Information: your voice recording in case you contact the call center.
    8-Your personal data processed within the scope of additional services: Your data processed if you benefit from additional services offered on the Platform such as any Adonis platform.

3 - What are the legal reasons, purposes and collection methods for processing your personal data?
Your personal data is collected electronically by our Company, either fully or partially automatically or non-automatically, provided that it is part of any data recording system, through mobile applications or websites where the Platform Service you benefit from belongs to our Company is located within the scope of our membership agreement; electronically through the channel you contact when you contact us through live help, call center or e-mail channels, and in a physical environment when it is sent to our Company via printed forms, notification, mail or notified by legal authorities. Your processed personal data, the purposes of processing and legal reasons are given below.

3.1 Membership and Account Creation Process:

Your personal data processed in this category: Your user account information, customer transaction information, transaction security information.


Executing the processes for the establishment and execution of the membership agreement,
Managing the processes for the creation and closure of the Platform member profile/account,
Verifying contact information,
Executing activities for the realization of your purchase transactions through the Platform,
Executing and supervising the Company's business activities,
Ensuring the security of Platform operations,
Fulfilling the obligations arising from the legislation to which our Company is subject, especially the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce No. 6563, the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 and the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502,
Executing the Platform activities in accordance with the legislation,
Fulfilling the data sharing and storage obligations by our Company in accordance with our obligations arising from the legislation.
Legal Reasons: Being clearly stipulated in the laws, Being mandatory for the fulfillment of our Company's legal obligations, Being necessary for the fulfillment of our membership agreement with you.

If you benefit from the Platform Services as a Guest member, you can access detailed information about your processed personal data from the information text on the screen that appears when you click on the "Continue without becoming a member" button.

3.2 Order, Delivery and Cancellation/Return Processes:

Your personal data processed in this category: Your user account information, delivery information, customer transaction information, payment information, transaction security information.


Placing the order and creating the order,
Establishing and ensuring the execution of the distance sales contract,
Conducting delivery and logistics activities,
Conducting cancellation/return processes,
Conducting payment and invoice processes,
Fulfilling the legal obligations specified in the legislation to which our Company is subject, especially the Distance Contracts Regulation and the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, and/or in the decisions, guides and guides published by the competent authorities,
Conducting the purchasing processes of product/service groups included in the Platform.
Legal Reasons: It is mandatory for the fulfillment of our Company's legal obligations, It is necessary for the execution of our membership agreement with you.

3.3 Customer Experience Improvement Processes:

Your personal data processed in this category: Your user account information, customer transaction information, delivery information, transaction security information, legal transaction information, audio recording information.


To ensure that you can access products that are suitable for your preferences and interests quickly and easily,
To provide a better user experience in service transitions between our Company's Platform Services,
To develop and improve our user experience,
To improve our service quality,
To conduct analysis and reporting studies,
To conduct communication activities,
To evaluate requests, complaints and suggestions regarding our products and services,
To conduct after-sales support services for goods and services.
Legal Reasons: It is necessary for the execution of our membership agreement with you, Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of our Company.

3.4 Company Information Security, Risk, Audit and Control Processes:

Your personal data processed in this category: Your user account information, customer transaction information, delivery information, payment information, transaction security information.


Execution and audit of finance and accounting processes,
Execution of billing processes,
Execution of information security processes and investigation of suspicious transactions,
Ensuring the security of operations regarding the Platform,
Control, development and improvement of the quality of products and services offered by our Company,
Performing risk detection and analysis, complaint management,
Prevention of fraud,
Performing legal and financial investigation activities of our Company in possible mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, divisions and other structural changes.
Legal Reasons: It is necessary for the execution of our membership agreement with you, Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of our Company.

3.5 Process of Carrying Out Legal Transactions:

Your personal data processed in this category: Your user account information, customer transaction information, delivery information, payment information, transaction security information, legal transaction information, audio recording information.


Conducting legal and litigation affairs, responding to your legal requests, examining and responding to your applications that are in accordance with the procedure as the relevant person,
Conducting activities in accordance with the legislation, Fulfilling the obligations arising from the legislation to which our Company is subject,
Conducting legal consultancy processes,
Sharing information with authorized persons, institutions and organizations upon request,
Exercising and protecting a right in the event of a legal dispute.
Legal Reasons: Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, It is mandatory for the fulfillment of our Company's legal obligations.

3.6 Processes Based on Explicit Consent:

Your personal data processed in this category: Your user account information, customer transaction information, delivery information, payment information.


Conducting marketing, advertising and promotional activities,
Conducting financial offer processes,
Providing you with advantageous offers, conducting activities to increase your satisfaction by getting to know you better, and sending commercial electronic messages within this scope.
Legal Reason: Your explicit consent.

We would like to emphasize that if you wish to withdraw your consent, you can submit your request to the Company through the methods provided under the heading “7-Communication for Your Rights and Requests”.

3.7 Additional Service Processes Offered on the Platform:

Your personal data is also processed within the scope of different additional services offered on the Platform. If you wish to benefit from these additional services, we have process-specific information texts in the area where the relevant service is offered. In addition, information about the relevant services is also provided below so that you can easily access the relevant texts.

4 - To whom and for what reasons does the company transfer your personal data?
Our company takes care to process your personal data in accordance with the principles of "need to know" and "need to use", by providing the necessary data minimization and taking the necessary technical and administrative security measures.

Your personal data is shared domestically by our company with the recipient groups specified in detail below based on the legal reasons of "being clearly foreseen in the laws, being mandatory for our company to fulfill its legal obligations, being necessary for the establishment or execution of a contract, data processing being mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right and/or being mandatory for the legitimate interests of our company" in accordance with Article 8 of the KVKK.

In cases where your personal data is transferred abroad by our company, it is shared with the recipient groups specified in detail below, based on the legal reasons of “Provision of appropriate security with a standard contract or, provided that it is incidental, the existence of one of the situations regulated in paragraph 6 of article 9 of the KVKK” regulated in Article 9 of the KVKK and the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Transfer of Personal Data Abroad.

4.1. Membership and Account Creation Process:

In accordance with our contractual relationship, your personal data will be shared with our affiliates and group companies for the purposes of ensuring that you benefit from the Platform Services within the scope of the services we receive regarding the Platform, the establishment and execution of the membership agreement,

Information infrastructure for the purposes of carrying out Platform operations, receiving information, technology and software services

It is shared with our affiliates, group companies, business partners and service providers that provide, operate or provide services to our website and our affiliates and group companies located abroad.

Legal Reason: It is necessary for the establishment or execution of the contract, Providing appropriate security with the standard contract.

4.2. Order, Delivery and Cancellation/Return Processes:

With the seller or service provider of the product you want to purchase for the purposes of ensuring that you benefit from the Platform Services, conducting purchasing and billing processes, fulfilling the obligations arising from the legislation that our Company and the seller you purchased the product from are subject to,
With the product seller, cargo companies, private couriers for the purposes of conducting logistics activities and tracking delivery processes,
With the banks and other payment institutions we have agreements with for the purposes of conducting and tracking your payment processes,
With our business partners from whom we receive bulk SMS/e-mail services in order to inform you about issues such as the delivery of the product you purchased,
In case you order a product from abroad, the order is shared with cargo and logistics companies located abroad, the seller of the product you purchased, and customs consultancy companies for the purposes of conducting delivery and return processes, conducting logistics and supply chain processes, conducting customs processes, and conducting Platform operations.

Legal reason: Fulfillment of our company's legal obligations, Necessity for the establishment or execution of the contract, Provision of appropriate security with a standard contract.

4.3. Customer Experience Improvement Processes:

With our business partners who provide call center services, service providers who provide customer support services for the purposes of providing goods and services sales and after-sales support services, ensuring customer satisfaction, meeting demands and complaints,
With service providers located abroad from whom we receive services for the purposes of carrying out activities aimed at developing and improving the products and services offered by our company, to be able to provide Platform services and to carry out Platform operations, with our affiliates, group companies, business partners and consultants who provide IT infrastructure, software and technology services.

Legal reason: Necessity for the establishment or execution of the contract, Provision of appropriate security with a standard contract, Existence of one of the situations regulated in Article 9, Subparagraph 6 of the KVKK, provided that it is incidental.

4.4. The company's information security, risk, audit and control processes:

With our business partners, consultants and service providers, banks, e-invoice business partners, cargo and courier companies, special integrators, independent audit, customs, financial advisor/accounting service providers for the purposes of conducting billing processes, sending e-invoices to customers electronically, making physical contract or invoice deliveries, managing financial and accounting processes, identifying and evaluating risks, and preventing fraud,
With our business partners providing independent audits, customs, financial advisor/accounting services for the purposes of ensuring the security of company operations, controlling and improving the quality of products and services offered by our company, and conducting risk identification and analysis,
With our business partners providing independent audits, customs, financial advisor/accounting service providers, community companies, affiliates, group companies, special integrators, technology companies, business partners and service providers,
In case of possible mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, divisions and other structural changes, with the purpose of conducting legal and financial review activities of our company, with other parties and their employees, consultants and database service providers who are under a confidentiality obligation and are involved in the relevant process.

Legal reasons: Fulfillment of our Company's legal obligations, Necessity for the establishment or execution of the Agreement, Necessity for the legitimate interests of our Company.

4.5. Process of Carrying Out Legal Transactions:

With authorized public institutions and organizations such as regulatory and supervisory institutions, courts and enforcement offices, mediators for the purposes of fulfilling the obligations arising from the legislation to which our Company is subject and carrying out Platform activities in accordance with the legislation, informing authorized persons, institutions and organizations, following up and carrying out legal affairs, exercising and protecting a right in the event of a legal dispute,
With lawyers, auditors, tax consultants, forensic computer experts, cyber security consultants, tax consultants, our group companies, our affiliates, consultancy and service providers for the purposes of carrying out our Company's audit activities, carrying out legal consultancy processes, ensuring the security of company operations, and conducting investigations into suspicious transactions.

with other third parties and business partners that we receive,

Upon request, it is shared with authorized public institutions and organizations abroad for the purposes of providing information, exercising and protecting a right in the event of a legal dispute.

Legal reasons: It is clearly foreseen in the laws, Fulfilling the legal obligations of our Company, Processing for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, Being necessary for the establishment or execution of a contract, Existence of one of the situations regulated in Article 9, Subparagraph 6 of the KVKK, provided that it is incidental.

4.6. Processes Based on Explicit Consent:

It is shared with affiliates, group companies, service providers and business partners for the purposes of carrying out marketing, advertising and promotional activities, offering you special advantageous offers, and carrying out activities aimed at increasing your satisfaction by getting to know you better.

Legal Reason: Your explicit consent.

5 - How Does the Company Protect Your Personal Data?

Personal data shared with our Company is under the supervision and control of the Company. The Company has assumed responsibility as the data controller to establish the necessary organization and to take and adapt technical measures in order to protect the confidentiality and integrity of information in accordance with the relevant legislation in force. Being aware of our obligation in this regard;
Penetration tests are conducted at periodic intervals in accordance with international and national technical standards regarding data confidentiality.
Your personal data that you transmit to the Company through the website, mobile site and mobile application is protected using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology.
Risk analyses are regularly conducted regarding personal data processing activities and actions are taken to reduce risks.
Access and authorization controls are applied to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.
Data processing policies are updated at regular intervals.

6 - Your Rights Regarding the Protection of Your Personal Data

You have the right to apply to our Company by the methods provided in the "Communication for Your Rights and Requests" section of this disclosure text,

Learn whether your personal data has been processed,
Request information about it if it has been processed,
Learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,
Know the third parties to whom it is transferred domestically or abroad,
Request correction of personal data if it is processed incompletely or incorrectly,
Request deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the KVKK,
Request notification of the transactions carried out in accordance with your rights of correction, deletion and destruction specified above to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,
Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed personal data exclusively with automatic systems,
Request compensation for your damages in case you suffer damages due to the processing of your personal data in violation of the relevant legislation.

7 - Contact for Your Rights and Requests

You can submit your questions and requests regarding your personal data to the Data Controller by submitting a petition prepared in accordance with the conditions specified in the Communiqué on the Application Procedures and Principles or by using the "ADONİS NETWORK YAZILIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ. Application Form" using the following methods. You can access the application form here.

Application Method Address to Apply
Personal Written Application** Unit.9, No:2, 1066 St, Akevler District, 34513 Esenyurt,Istanbul
Notary Unit.9, No:2, 1066 St, Akevler District, 34513 Esenyurt,Istanbul

Signed with Secure Electronic Signature or Mobile Signature and Registered Electronic Mail (KEP)


From your previously notified e-mail address to our company and registered in the system


*We kindly request that "Personal Data Protection Law Related Person Request" be written on the notification envelope of the application form or in the subject section of the e-mail.

**Relevant Persons who will apply to the "Personal Written Application" method must submit documents proving their identity. In this context, in your written applications to Unit.9, No:2, 1066 St, Akevler District, 34513 Esenyurt,Istanbul, we kindly request that you submit only the front side of the ID photocopy (without showing blood group and religion section) together with the application form.

As personal data owners, if you submit your requests regarding your rights to the Company, the Company will finalize your request free of charge within 30 (thirty) days at the latest. However, if the response to your application requires a cost in accordance with the legislation, the Company may request a fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

8 - About the Information Text

The Company reserves the right to update this Information Text on the Protection of Personal Data at any time within the framework of possible changes in the current legislation.

Update Date: 25.11.2024